Large Painting Titled:“Devoilement” by KAMBERE-TSONGO DANIEL, 1992 ( 3,80 X 1,50cm)
Large Painting Titled:“Devoilement” by KAMBERE-TSONGO DANIEL, 1992 ( 3,80 X 1,50cm)

Welcome Message

Welcome to Tengan Foundation a not for profit project aimed at promoting Art, Culture and Education within African societies and for giving the individual a sense of the cultural heritage that abound in his or her neighbourhood and how to view and appreciate them. We focus on both tangible and intangible material culture and hope that you will be able to visit our display centres in Accra, Ghana and Brussels, Belgium. You can also visit our on-line collections and interact with our learning processes.


Our main vision is to build a movement of ideas and practices around the works of indigenous knowledge and skills throughout the world.

Our aim is to explain, through collection and display of tangible and intangible items, the similarities and differences between cultures and societies based on the philosophy that differences and diversity are rich sources for human development. Given the fact the world and any given contemporary society is naturally a multi-ethnic one with a lot of cultural diversity, Tengan Studio Gallery, recognising this undeniable fact, has as mission the creation of an intellectual movement and community devoted to uncovering ways that will promote a unified and a uniform development for all within the context of ethnic and cultural diversity. The studio takes the view that since ancient times, ethnic groups and societies in Africa have always existed as unique cultures with different modes of social production and expression. The Studio exists to celebrate the world's greatest strength and cultural diversity in openness.


Get familiar with our research and education programs and resources including our library and museum programs. We are researching into African indigenous knowledge with particular focus on the relationship between sacred art, religion and healing systems. We therefore identify and collect sacred art objects that are also used for religious and healing purposes. Learn about our digital and virtual collections. We do consultation in order to share our knowledge on African art and culture. We promote the spirit of Africa through educational programs. 


Visit our museum studios in Ghana and Belgium and see for the first time sacred and religious art from Africa and other areas collected and displayed in cultural context and not as single objects that do not speak to each other. You will see the complete collection of items used to constitute the ancestral cult, the healing cult and the cult of nature spirits. 

 Our intangible collections of sound (songs, changs, mythical narratives etc.), sights and movements (dance, movements, festivals and rites) go hand in hand with tangible objects to create a meaninful cultural syntax.


Our publications use the ethnographic method to provide indepth analysis and description of the topics and objects we happen to be dealing with. Visit out books and publication page to see the catalogue. You can acquire our books directly from us.